
Welcome to my site! I’m a Canadian studying law in the United Kingdom before returning back to the Great White North. Previously, I completed a degree in Political Science at Carleton University, specializing in International Relations and minoring in Philosophy. In addition, I hold several certifications in Cyber-security and have worked doing business research for a major training and education in that field. Previously, I started and continue to operate a doggy daycare business back home. That may not seem like the most interesting of business ventures but it continues to provide invaluable practical experience in running a small, customer-oriented business. Plus we get paid to hang out with dogs, quite possibly the best job for a stressed student.

It is my hope to cover everything from education to blockchain and new legal developments through this medium, with an eye to providing informative articles for everyone, bettering my personal communication skills, and beginning to build my personal brand by demonstrating knowledge in these fields.

Hope you find my posts informative and interesting! all I ask is that you contact me with any questions or comments, particularly if you notice any inaccuracies!